joi, 3 februarie 2011

The Gambit

I knew it was a gambit. Life's always a gambit. It's all about the choices one makes. Some of them are good, others are bad. Some say if you don't take chances, you can't win. I think it's true, or at least partially. I knew there were two outcomes to this: a positive one and a negative one. There is no intermediate outcome. There is no "everything's gonna stay the same". Everything's gotta change. And as normal (humane) as I find that to be, I also find it to be stupid. Why do things have to become colder between people if they can't have a relationship? They can't stay friends because somebody's feelings would get hurt. That's bullcrap! In what universe does you not talking to me anymore make me feel better? Or help me in any way. It's bollocks. "I'm doing this for your own good." That's in the same category of bullcrap as "you're too good for me." I don't care for my own good. I'm in love, I don't care! I want to suffer, so be it. let it be done.