joi, 25 noiembrie 2010

I didn't sign up for this

Come to France. Start a new life. Give up 90% of your friends, because, after all, they're not really your friends, they're just acquaintances, but in everyday life, you don't wanna see that, of course. Someone said "we know a lot more people, but we know them a lot less well". I tend to agree. But anyway, back to the point.
Back to the point. Give up your (imaginary or real) girlfriend, give up hope of being with someone in the near future, don't look back, don't hold on to what's now considered as "the past", something you moved on/ran from. Come to a new country, learn the goddamn language (what, didn't you learn it in school already?), break the apparent shyness that's interpreted from your silence which comes up, of course, not because you're an idiot, or you don't have anything to say, but because you lack the means of expression.
Get heartbroken, either by someone new, or someone old, or both, the only difference being that back home, you could just not give a fuck, move along, share your thoughts with your best friend and after that..whatever. In here, it's not like that. In here it makes you wanna scream. It makes you boil inside, wanting all this to go to hell, go back home to your loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances, ex and future -girlfriends. But they're not the same either. It's all different now.
Welcome to your new life.

2 comentarii:

  1. Some things back home won't ever change. Some family will still be family, some friends will still be friends, some bitches will still be bitches and so on. Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on.

    Shit will hit the fan. But not just once or twice, you can expect it to happen everyday. But that doesn't mean you have to get depressed about it. Just expect it, and accept it in some way. That's just the way of things. You fall down in order to learn to rise up. I know it doesn't seem that way right now, but some lessons have to be learned the hard way.

    Just try and remind yourself that some months ago you wouldn't have thought you'd be were you are right now. Just be positive about things. You don't know where you're going to be next year.

  2. Cute...ti-am zis si la tel k ma regasesc in proportie de 80% in ceea ce ai scris...e foarte frumos scris si se vede k nu sunt basme.So be positive! Mie asa imi ziceai...Oricum la mine e altceva, alta situatie, stii vb aia another sunt mai negativista de fel...tot din cauza intamplarilor "bune" din viata care as schimba-o dak as putea...dar nu pot asa k trebuie sa traiesc si sa ma impac cu ea(sper ca vreodata o sa pot face si asta). Kisses :* and hugs :D and maybe even something else :P we shall see :*
