duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

I love you

I love you. I love you like an idiot. I curse my lack of impulsiveness (or balls, if you will) to tell you. I love you like I haven't loved anybody in a long time. I'm a lovefool. Not being able to tell you drives me crazy. I dream about you. I dream about being with you. I can only imagine it. I would go to the end of the world for you, with you, to find you. I don't care that I'm suffering. I would gladly continue to do so than to not feel something as beautiful at all. I call it appetite for self-destruction. And I find it to be perfectly normal with human beings. Why be rational, when I can feel my heart tremble? All this everyday non-sense...it's all bullshit compared to something so noble, so pure. It's nothing. Love is everything. I'm glad I feel that way now and I'm glad I'm writing it down. This needs to be remembered. Tomorrow, I will tell it to you as well. Of course, it will sound much simpler and more stupid than what I wrote here. Perhaps everything I wrote here is stupid. I don't care. I'm in love with you, end of story. Or is it just the beginning?

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